MIN 675: Updated Guidance on the MCA’s Booking Orals exams, the Issue of Notice of Eligibility (NOEs) and the Online Oral Exam Process
Applicable from April 2022
This MIN provides further information on the Maritime and Coastguard Agency’s (MCA) process relating to the online oral examination including the new booking process. This MIN also provides information on the process for applying for a Notice of Eligibility (NOE). This MIN has been updated with the latest process.
1.1 The way in which you can book your oral exam is changing. The MCA will be rolling out a new system from April 2022 where you will be able to book your oral exam using the Online Booking Service. The Oral exam is currently being delivered through an online platform.
1.2 This MIN provides an overview of the process of gaining an NOE, booking an online oral exam, undertaking an oral exam and what to do after an oral exam.
The NOE Process
2.1 Candidates can currently apply for an NOE by using the appropriate application form and referring to the process detailed in MIN 655 sections 3 & 4 (or subsequent publications). If you are required to submit your Training Record Book (TRB), the full physical book should be sent to the Seafarer Services Branch (to the address provided in the ‘more information’ section of this Notice), but you must retain scanned copies of the overview signature pages from the TRB. These will be required for your oral exam as per section 3.1 of this Notice.